Sunday 31 August 2014

My Batman Collection (trade paperbacks, one shots, graphic novels)

This is my Batman Trade Paperback, Graphic Novel, One Shot and 'Gap Filler' collection.

I have listed them in order of how i believe they should be read and what i feel is the best continuity order. (Continuity will never be perfect due to different writers picking up at different times and back dating their stories to fill in gaps in the Batman mythos that hadnt previous been told)

***where there are photos/images my camera phone flash is on all the pictures, sorry***

Personally my favourite period is from 'Year One' through to the start of 'No Mans Land'. I feel that 'No Mans Land' itself was a good idea but very poorly executed due to the 'too many cooks' idiom creating a very incohesive story and alot of very very poor artwork. I have personally read all volumes but struggled to finish it and only kept the first two new edition volumes (although the perfectionist in me will buy the further new editions at some point). After this i feel DC lost their way a little re-hashing old stories and more interested in just churning out more issues instead of giving it the care and attention Batman deserves... until that is when Loeb stepped in with Hush and Morrison took over with very clever and nostalgically written stories weaving together very old Batman events to bring everything full circle (to Barbathos) and also introducing the incredible Damian Wayne. You will notice that my collection doesnt, if i could help it, cover the rest of the Bat-Family which i personally hate. I love Alfred and i put up with the Robins (when they are Robin except Stephanie!) but anyone else i feel just hamper Batman and the story as he should work alone (except for Jim) and so the only issue i have with Morrison is the other Batman's of the world, Kathy etc that just spoil his work for me. Hence why the following are not in my collection...

  • Some of 'No Mans Land'
  • 'Murderer'
  • 'Fugitive' 
  • 'War Games' 
  • 'Batman Inc'

all containing too many others and not enough substance.

Here are some examples of stories that are rare and expensive in trade form but can be found as extras in another newer release of an older trade paperback. They are....

'Prey' also includes 'Terror'

'A Death In The Family' also includes 'A Lonely Place Of Dying'

'Birth Of The Demon' also includes 'Bride Of The Demon' and 'Son Of The Demon'

'Batman vs Bane' contains both 'Vengeance Of Bane' and 'Bane Of The Demon'

'Knightfall vol.3' also includes 'Prodigal'

These are in the new editions of the fore mentioned.

There are some smaller trades that have been released that some people dont know have been collected that are MUST READS in my opinion and are well worth trying to find if you want to read the 'complete story'. There are also single stories that are included as extras in some collected trade paperbacks (as mentioned above) or numerous single unrelated stories grouped together to make one trade paperback.
For example...

'The Many Deaths Of The Batman' written by John Byrne and drawn by the excellent Jim Aparo. This story tells you about how Batman trained to be Batman and the different unconnected people who, not knowing what for, taught him everything he knows about toxins and poisons, weapons, driving, explosives, strength, agility etc. Its only a short story at 3 issues long collected in 1 so its more like a One Shot but if have a decent size collection this is a great addition. Also the first issue is silent until two words at the end so its completely driven by Jim Aparo's art.
The Many Deaths Of The Batman cover

'Dark Knight Dark City' a Riddler story that gives us the origins of Barbathos as used years later as the main antagonist in the story arc by Grant Morrison regarding Dr Hurt. This is not only a great source and back story for Morrison's run but an awesome Riddler tale showing how he should be portrayed... clever, evil and sadistic. This is another that is only 3 issues long collected in a One Shot but well worth getting, it is excellent.
Dark Knight Dark City cover
Dark Knight Dark City panels

'Tao' this is included in the 'Dark Legends' TPB and tells of another story in the Batman's past of how he trained to become Batman this time focusing only on his time in China studying and learning martial arts. This TPB also contains the real first appearance of Joker (post acid bath) in a story called 'Images' not a great story but still good to have in your collection.

'Blades' this is one of 3 stories in 'Collected Legends of the Dark Knight' TPB. This is a great story about a swash-buckling actor/stuntman turned vigilante called The Cavalier. This is a well crafted story and the artwork is by Tim Sale! need i say more. This TPB is a good collection overall with two good stories and one terrible one. The good being 'Blades' and a Poison Ivy story called 'Hothouse', the bad being 'Legends of the Bat-Mite' which is pathetic and a little embarrassing also the artwork is awful.

'Devils Advocate' is a nice 90 page Joker story that i came across by chance. This is interesting as it puts Joker on death row for a crime that he, for once, hasnt committed and Batman has to get him off by proving his innocence with a great moment between the pair at the end. This story is written and drawn by the superteam that is Chuck Dixon and Graham Nolan.

'The Demon Laughs' this story has Joker and Ra's Al Ghul teaming up against Batman but not even The Demon's Head can control The Joker. Joker is Joker at his best in this written by Chuck Dixon and this story is drawn by Jim Aparo. If like me you like the subtle little references or moments aimed at the real fan you will appreciate this as it has Joker playing and beating Ra's at chess. Ra's is a chess grandmaster and real fans will remember him pitting his wits against both Batman and Bane in other stories with Batman and Ra's drawing in a stalemate (this can be found in the 'Son of the Demon' story included in the 'Birth of the Demon' TPB) and Bane being one of the only two people to defeat him. Joker wins because he constantly switches strategy and doesnt care whether he wins, loses or sacrifices pieces and Bane wins because he has genius level intellect and is a master strategist (this can be found in the 'Bane of the Demon' story arc included in the 'Batman Vs Bane' TPB).
Joker vs Ra's chess 
Joker vs Ra's chess
Batman vs Ra's chess 
Bane vs Ra's chess 

'Turning Points' this is very hard to place in the timeline as its 5 separate issues collected as one. All are turning points, hence the name, in the relationship between Batman and Jim Gordon. Ive placed it after the Knightfall story arc in the reading order otherwise it would be telling the future. This is an interesting read and simply enhances the relationship dynamic of friendship and trust between Batman and Jim for the reader.

'Monsters' this one not a must read but an example of when i was trying to fill gaps and get villains back stories or origins. I was going to buy 'LOTDK #89' and 'LOTDK #90' which is a story called 'Clay'. Its the origin of the second Clayface Matt Hagan but played out like he is the first. Its a good story but does ruin continuity with one particular sentence if you spot it. It is contained with 2 other stories in the 'Monsters' TPB.

One book i cannot recommend highly enough is not Batman canon and is an Elseworlds story. It is a trilogy called 'Vampire' consisting of three stories called 'Red Rain', 'Bloodstorm' and 'Crimson Mist'. This is incredible, the artwork and lettering is gothic and accurate to the tone of the story and looks amazing, it was the perfect story for Kelley Jones to draw. It is far fetched (more so than Batman already is) but aimed at the more mature reader due to the darker tone and constant bloody violence. The basic story is Batman takes on Dracula, defeats him but gets bitten in the process, he then turns and struggles with his no kill policy against his need to feed. Eventually he is tipped over the edge by Joker and Batman kills and feeds on him. This then leads to him killing off all the rogues in his villains gallery one by one, then once Gotham is rid of them all he sacrifices himself. Alfred and Jim have some great moments with Bruce/Batman in this too. If you are a Batman fan and dont own it.... you need this. Buying the three individual stories could be costly so i suggest buying the collected edition which i actually prefer anyway having owned both.
Batman Vampire cover

As you will notice i only have a select few Batman's from the New52 era, this is because DC are currently taking liberties with the Batman backstory and either contradicting or changing the past to squeeze into a smaller timeline, so i have and will only buy new Batman trades that either enhance or add to the existing continuity. For example i have not and will not even read the Two-Face story line that changes his origin and makes the masterpiece that is The Long Halloween worthless and no longer canon. This is an absolute travesty and DC should be ashamed of themselves for ruining what is one of the best written and illustrated Batman books ever. Neither do i want re-telling's of back stories or origins and anything that ruins the mystery of Joker.
The only good thing to come out of the later Batman's and then New52 is Damian Wayne who quickly became (and i say this with a conflicted heart and a war going on in my head at the thought) my favourite character ever. Although Joker, Bane, Ra's and Batman himself are all fighting for that mantle. Whether killing Damian off was a good idea is yet to be seen but it was great whilst it lasted.....and who knows, in comics death is not always final and there is the possibility that he could end up in a Lazarus Pit, or has?

After the list of my main Batman collection (after Dark Knight Returns) are some other books from DC where Batman is the focus of the story or he has a pivotal role. For example The Green Lantern story arc 'Blackest Night' which is a series of trades leading up to a final trade and ultimately centres around Batman.
Black Lantern Batman
What is really good about this arc is that in the prelude books before the final Blackest Night book there are loads of great Batman moments like the origin of Batman and Hal Jordan's love/hate relationship,
Batman hits Hal Jordan
Batman trying on and using Hal's ring
Green Lantern Batman
Green Lantern Batman
and the best of all moments when a Sinestro Corps ring (Yellow Lantern ring) seeks out Batman because he can instil great fear in others and he temporarily becomes a Yellow Lantern/Sinestro Corps member before his will power overrides and rejects it (incase this is lost on you a Green Lanterns ring works on will power where as a Yellow Lanterns ring works on the power of fear. Other Lantern Corps like Blue, Red etc their rings work on other emotions like love or rage etc).
Yellow Lantern Batman 
Yellow Lantern Batman
Also i have a rare One Shot called 'In Darkest Knight' which is an Elseworlds story where the basic plot is - what if Green Lanterns ring had found Bruce Wayne and not Hal Jordan. This is an entertaining read but the artwork lets it down a bit. Its hard to find and quite expensive though.
Batman In Darkest Knight cover
There are other great stories like 'Flashpoint', 'Emperor Joker', 'Kingdom Come', 'Red Son', 'Tower of Babel', 'Supergirl' etc which are excellent reads with Batman in a crucial role, some are even canon and i would highly recommend.
Emperor Joker cover
Emperor Joker my favourite page

At the end of my list below are a few individual comics which add to and further explain certain events in some TPBs which DC left out because they care more about making money than looking after the fans. For example if you own 'Hush Returns' and 'Heart of Hush' you will or should notice there is a gap in the story regarding the ongoing feud between Joker and Hush. This is not collected in any trade and can only be found in Batman Gotham Knights issues #73 and #74.
Joker / Hush feud 'Heart Of Hush' panel
There are many issues like this. Also if you are a fan of Bane a lot of his story is not collected in trade form but there are 3 little gems you can get that really enhance his overall story that are in One Shot form. They are 'Vengeance of Bane II: The Redemption', 'Bane' and 'Batman #23.4: Bane'. The first two will not be cheap to buy, i had to bide my time and wait for a good price as i will only buy mint or near mint if no longer in print and the last one is the Villains Month issue which is particularly special as its drawn by Bane's original creator Graham Nolan, you can get this cheap as its still newish and thousands are in circulation.
Vengeance Of Bane II: The Redemption 
The 'Knightfall' story arc was re-released to include some missing issues that DC previously left out (they do this all the time to make money and you end up buying the same trade twice plus they did this one when The Dark Knight Rises was coming out in cinemas to cash in further). In volume one of the new edition they have started with 'Vengeance of Bane' this didnt need to be included as it is already available in trade form in 'Batman Vs Bane' it would have been far better for the story if instead they had included 'Batman #489' and 'Batman #490' which are the preludes to Bane's plan and add so much more weight to the overall story and also explain some aspects of what happens in 'Knightfall'. 'Batman #489' is Bane vs Killer Croc round 1, you will notice when Bane comes up against Croc in 'Knightfall' they mention they have fought before and Croc's arms are in casts/bandages this is because Bane breaks his arms in 'Batman #489' and in 'Batman #490' Bane pumps Riddler full of Venom to test Batman before he goes up against him himself and at the end of the issue one of Bane's goons called Bird suggests they break into Arkham and set all the inmates free, which is the opening to 'Knightfall'. So i had to buy them separately.
Batman #489 & Batman #490

(Update: 01.09.14)
DC strikes again!.... ive noticed today that DC have left out a few issues from the latest Batman main story trades leaving a gap in the story. 'Batman vol.3: Death Of The Family' collects issues #13-17, then 'Batman vol.4: Zero Year - Secret City' collects issues #21-24. The 3 missing issues are very important....for the completist and for any Damian Wayne fan. So ive had to buy them today separately.

(Update: 12.03.15)
Just received a companion issue (of sorts) to The Killing Joke! Ive know about this for a long time but refused to pay silly money for it (postage from US usually outweighed the value) but i managed to get it brand new and under £5. Its called 'Booster Gold #5 No Joke' and tells of how Booster is sent back in time to try and stop Joker from shooting Barbara Gordon. He fails....over and over again. Each time he is having to watch Joker torture Barbara trying a different method to stop him whilst Joker keeps on laughing. Booster eventually realises that somethings are meant to be and no matter what they will happen somehow. I have no invested interest in Booster Gold as a character but.... you gotta love dat Joker!

Here is a list of only what i actually own, in my suggested reading order. I also have a 'wish list' at the end of a few i am missing and want to get when i find them at the right price or books that are available in hardcover but not yet released in paperback. When it comes to continuity if (as stated at the start of this blog) where it goes in the reading order is debatable due to conflicting events or information i have weighed up which is more important to the individual or overall story and gone with the more important one and placed it there. Any questions on specific books you have or you want to know about why or whether a book is worth getting feel free to get in touch and i will try and reply in a timely manner but my opinion is not the definitive, it is just my opinion. Im no expert, just a fan.

If you were being precise by reading them only in order, then some books contain more than one story arc that take place in different times so the reading order is done presuming you would stop reading a book at the end of one story and return to the same book at a later date when you have got to that point in the timeline, so i have split them in this list to reflect that. This is what i own.....

* = rare (in single TPB form)
+ = has additional trade included
☆ = essential
# = an origin story or first appearance

  • Year One ☆#
  • Shaman ☆#*
  • Snow #*
  • Monster Men #
  • Mad Monk 
  • Dark Legends #*
  • The Man Who Laughs ☆ 
  • Dead To Rights *
  • Gothic 
  • Venom ☆
  • Monsters #+
  • Four Of A Kind ☆#*
  • Prey ☆+
  • Going Sane +
  • Collected Legends Of The Dark Knight 
  • Run Riddler Run *
  • The Many Deaths Of The Batman ☆*
  • Dark Knight Dark City ☆#*
  • Terror #*
  • The Long Halloween ☆#
  • Faces 
  • Poison Ivy *
  • Dark Victory ☆#
  • Robin: Year One 
  • Tales Of The Demon ☆
  • Son Of The Demon ☆#
  • Strange Apparitions *
  • Dark Detective 
  • Just Another Kid On Crime Alley ☆#!
  • Ten Nights Of The Beast *
  • The Cult 
  • The Killing Joke ☆#
  • A Death In The Family ☆+
  • Arkham Asylum: A Serious House On Serious Earth ☆
  • A Lonely Place Of Dying ☆#*
  • Secrets 
  • Bride Of The Demon 
  • Nightwing: A Knight In Bludhaven *
  • Devil's Advocate *
  • Vengeance Of Bane (Batman Vs Bane TPB)☆#+*
  • Knightfall vol. 1 ☆
  • Knightfall vol. 2 ☆
  • Knightfall vol. 3 ☆+
  • Prodigal *
  • Turning Points 
  • Birth Of The Demon ☆#+
  • Contagion 
  • Bane Of The Demon ☆
  • Legacy ☆*
  • Bane ☆* 
  • Mad Love #+
  • Cataclysm *
  • No Mans Land vol. 1 
  • No Mans Land vol. 2 
  • Harley Quinn *
  • The Demon Laughs ☆*
  • Death And The Maidens *
  • Red Hood: The Lost Days ☆#
  • Hush ☆#
  • Under The Red Hood ☆
  • Hush Returns 
  • Batman And Son ☆+
  • The Black Glove 
  • The Resurrection Of Ra's Al Ghul 
  • Heart Of Hush 
  • RIP ☆
  • Final Crisis ☆
  • Time And The Batman 
  • Whatever Happened To The Caped Crusader 
  • Battle For The Cowl ☆
  • Batman Reborn ☆#
  • Batman vs Robin ☆
  • The Return Of Bruce Wayne ☆
  • Batman And Robin Must Die ☆
  • Leviathan Strikes ☆#
  • Faces Of Death ☆(essential but only for a few pages) 
  • Knight Terrors
  • Born To Kill ☆
  • The Court Of Owls ☆#
  • The City Of Owls ☆
  • Scare Tactics 
  • Pearl 
  • Demon Star 
  • Batman: Death Of The Family ☆
  • Joker: Death Of The Family +
  • Batman&Robin: Death Of The Family 
  • Gotham's Most Wanted ☆ 
  • Emperor Penguin 
  • Zero Year - Secret City
  • Requiem For Damian ☆
  • The Wrath 
  • Clay 
  • .............
  • The Dark Knight Returns ☆

  • Flashpoint ☆
  • Flashpoint: Batman ☆
  • Legends Of The Dark Knight vol. 1 
  • Legends Of The Dark Knight vol. 2 
  • Tower Of Babel ☆*
  • Emperor Joker *
  • Supergirl * 
  • Nightwing: A Knight In Bludhaven (1st print) *
  • New Age Dawning (Batman/Spiderman) 
  • Vampire ☆+*
  • Lovers And Madmen 
  • The Greatest Joker Stories Ever Told 
  • In Darkest Knight * 
  • Joker 
  • Red Son ☆
  • GL: Secret Origins 
  • GL: Revenge Of The Green Lanterns 
  • GL: Wanted - Hal Jordan 
  • GL: The Sinestro Corps War 
  • GL: Tales Of The Sinestro Corps 
  • GL: Rage Of The Red Lanterns 
  • GL: Agent Orange 
  • GL: Blackest Night 
  • Identity Crisis 
  • The OMAC Project 
  • Infinite Crisis 
  • Kingdom Come

Single issue and Specials
  • Legends Of The Dark Knight #100 *
  • Batman #471
  • Vengeance Of Bane II: The Redemption ☆*
  • Batman #489 
  • Batman #490 
  • Gotham Knights #47 
  • Gotham Knights #48 
  • Gotham Knights #49
  • Gotham Knights #73
  • Gotham Knights #74 *
  • Batman #23.2 Riddler 
  • Batman #23.4 Bane 
  • Batman&Robin #23.3 Ra's Al Ghul
  • Batman&Robin #23.4 Killer Croc 
  • Batman #18 
  • Batman #19 
  • Batman #20 
  • Nightwing: Secret Files And Origins 
  • Booster Gold #5 
LOTDK #100
Villains month 3D cover

My Collection

  • Blind Justice *
  • The Gauntlet *
  • Sword Of Azrael 
  • DOA

Thanks for reading my blog/rant/love affair about Batman. When i first got back into reading Batman and wanted to build a collection, things like this were exactly what i needed so i hope this helps someone else find what they are looking for. Ive purposely not gone into detail about the usual well known favourites like 'Year One', 'The Long Halloween', 'The Killing Joke' etc because you can find that stuff everywhere on the internet. Feel free to comment or ask questions i know these books and the Batman mythos like the back of my hand. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i did writing it.


Wednesday 10 October 2012

The Jason Todd origin and vital stories Trade paperback 'TPB'

I am a passionate Batman graphic novel, one shot and trade paperback collector. I have everything that is worth having to create a decent timeline with more than 100 Batman paperbacks (TPBs or Trades) plus crisis ones, Batman centred Superman's like Emperor Joker or GL's like Blackest Night and many others that fill in continuity gaps or explain relationships between characters. From Batman Year One through to Dark Knight Returns. With everything inbetween from rare books like Shaman, Snow, Four of a Kind, Ten nights of the beast, Contagion, Legacy, Cataclysm, Tower of Babel, Devils Advocate, Death and the Maidens etc to classics like The Long Halloween, Killing Joke, Knightfall, Hush and the Grant Morrison run etc and now New52 trades that add to my overall story but dont spoil my (well DC's original) continuity. 

You will find that every Batman trade paperback / graphic novel collector has a gap in there reading order / continuity and that gap is Jason Todd.

Every collector will go from....

Dick Grayson as Robin
Batman: Dark Victory
Robin: The Gauntlet
Robin: Year One
Batman: Haunted Knight
Batman: Faces
Batman: Fortunate Son
Batman: Tales of the Demon


Dick Grayson as Nightwing and Jason Todd as Robin
Batman: The Killing Joke
Batman: Ten Nights of The Beast
Batman: The Cult
Batman: A Death in the Family

without any books showing this transition and how and why it happened or explaining who Jason Todd is and what he is about.

Now, back to my title subject.
I have the definatative Jason Todd TPB.............. 

'Batman: Just Another Kid On Crime Alley'

This trade paperback is over 160 pages and collects Batman issues #408 #409 #410 #411 #416 #424 #425. The missing issues!

Batman #408 - #411
This is Dick Grayson leaving his post as Robin to become a hero in his own right. Batman meeting Jason for the first time when he catches him stealing the wheels off the Batmobile, him eventually taking him into his care, training him and then giving him the mantle of Robin and there first mission together as Batman and Robin. These 4 issues give you an idea of who Jason is and what he is all about.

Batman #416
This is the transition of Dick Grayson from Robin to Nightwing and the resolution of the problems in Dick's and Bruce's relationship.
This is where Dick meets Jason for the first time and eventually excepts him as his replacement as the new Robin and welcoming him into the 'BatFamily'.

Batman #424 - #425
This is the 'did he or didnt he?' 2-parter where we see what Jason is really like and the foundation of what will make him The Red Hood in the future. Part1 Did he push the rapist off the balcony or did he slip and fall? Part2 the consequences of his actions.

Take a look at the pictures i have attached (flickr address below)
What do you think?